Aero Engine

Aircraft Engine

3D metrology solutions for masterpieces of aviation

Powered by precision

More than 30,000 components form the engine of an aircraft. From design to operation, the smallest details matter as they have an immediate impact on safety, engine durability and fuel consumption. ZEISS's aero solutions meet the demands on the superlatives of the industry responding to highest complexity and speeding up product cycle times.

Fan Blade Inspection

Fan Blade Inspection

Fan blade inspection is characterized by geometrical complexity and requires a highly advanced technological approach to meet functionality and material tests.

Compressor Blade Inspection

Compressor Blade Inspection

Compressor blade inspection needs precise measurement to fully evaluate the airfoil and root geometries for efficiency and performance.

Blisk Inspection

Blisk Inspection

Measurements on blisks require high-end automation processes for fast inspection results and sophisticated software to allow for in-depth analysis.

Turbine Blade Inspection

Turbine Blade Inspection

Smallest details of turbine blades have an effect on the efficiency and fuel consumption of an aircraft. Speed and precision for inspection processes is key.

Nozzle Guide Vanes Inspection

Nozzle Guide Vanes Inspection

NGVs are crucial to engine performance and rely on robust measurement and inspection for features like throat area which are perfectly created from our digital twin.

Structural Casings Inspection

Structural Casings Inspection

Every intricate geometry of a structural casing influences how air is directed during flight. Discover how ZEISS delivers an all-in-one system that meets the highest speed and accuracy possible.