ZEISS Receives Intel’s Preferred Quality Supplier Award (Only in EN)
Jena/Oberkochen, Germany | 19 May 2018 | ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
The ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (SMT) business group has been recognized by Intel as a recipient of a 2017 Preferred Quality Supplier (PQS) award.The PQS award recognizes companies like ZEISS that Intel believes have relentlessly pursued excellence and conducted business with resolute professionalism. “The dynamic nature of our business necessitates continuous improvement and an unrelenting focus on quality,” said Jacklyn Sturm, Vice President of Technology and Manufacturing Group and General Manager of Global Supply Management at Intel. “As Intel transitions to become a more data centric company, our award winning suppliers are embracing the most difficult challenges with rapid innovation and bold strategies."
To qualify for PQS status, suppliers must exceed high expectations and uncompromising performance goals while scoring at least 80 percent on an integrated report card that assesses performance throughout the year. Suppliers must also achieve 80 percent or greater on a challenging continuous improvement plan and demonstrate solid quality and business systems.